Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Hi everyone,
These two numbers are a big clue as to why you are still struggling to get the success you so desperately want, whether it's financial, personal, emotional --or even something else.

(By the way, I got this little "two numbers" idea from an impressive Australian woman and abundance coach Natalie Ledwell whom I've been reading about. She describes a piece of the "success puzzle" in a very intriguing way.)

So, what are the two numbers? 

65,000 and 80%.

The average person has about 65,000 thoughts each day. And, about 80% of them are negative!

She suggests you uncover how your thoughts could be fuelling -or repelling--your success right now.

I've been pointing out for over a decade that it's what happens OUTSIDE your awareness that stops most people from success in ANY area of life. That, of course, includes these 80% x 65,000 thoughts!

We all have judgemental  critical or self-defeating thoughts from time to time, but most of them we're not even aware of. 

Unfortunately, these thoughts often become deeply embedded patterns that sabotage you from creating what you want....whether it's about money, relationships, emotional health, or something else.

If you don't solve this, it won't matter what you do, whether it's books, seminars, how-to courses, or something else. You MUST deal with what is going on OUTSIDE your awareness, inside your head.

The no.1 misconception people have that stop them from getting what they truly desire – the car, holidays, success, relationships and money.

I'll share 2 ‘abundant amplifying tips’ that you can implement today to experience more abundance in your life by this time tomorrow.
Plus I'm going to walk you through an abundance quiz! This one thing alone should have a HUGE impact on your life from this day forward...But before we get started, there's something I really have to tell you, You’re going to love this...

 Let me start by asking you a question… have you ever been stuck at a crossroads before where you've been faced with a decision and you can either go left to somewhere you've been before - somewhere safe and familiar OR you can go right to a new, unknown, different place? Often it's way easier to keep going down the same path because even if it's not bringing you the results you desire... it's so familiar; you just stay there and plod along.

Sometimes the situation is actually so far from what you really want but you just don't know how to get out of it... be it an unhappy relationship, a job you hate, a constant stream of debt... or just a situation that isn't getting you any closer to your goals.

Yet for some reason you stay there… stuck in this situation that isn't serving you, and often is also holding you back from the abundance of happiness, wealth and success you deserve.

So before we get to the abundance quiz, let me just explain that the reason this happens is not because you’re less deserving than others, or necessarily that you need to work harder or with more dedication… no, what I've learned from studying personal development for the last 20 years, is that it couldn't be more opposite! The real reason you don't get results is, in fact, because of the energy you're emitting to the universe!

Lets take wealth for example. Now while this may or may not come as a surprise, being rich and successful does not begin from being born into a wealthy family, by being naturally 'lucky,' nor, like I just said, does it come from working so hard that you never have any spare time.

It's actually much bigger, yet so much simpler, than that. You see, we all exist inside 1 big universe and as you undoubtedly know, we humans are like single grains of sand in a never-ending desert. But while we are sooo tiny as individuals, we also possess an awesome power to control our lives and pull more of what we do want towards us, and what we don’t want - away from us.

We do this through energy…. Everything in our universe is made up of malleable energy. It's constantly moving, flowing, being pulled in one direction and then another. This affects everything that exists in your life. 

So sometimes it shows up as 'things' you can touch like a car, a house, the computer you're on right now… and other times it shows up as feelings, as results, as success.

The day I realized I was just one small component of a very large universe and was able to control what I wanted to come into my life, and repel what I didn't want, a LOT of things changed. Not only did I feel empowered but I also realized that I was the creator of my life and my future.

In fact one of the biggest ah-ha moments I've ever had was when I came to understand the concept that you could start life as the richest person on the planet, but if deep down you were worried you might lose all your money one day and emitted an energy of need, want and scarcity, 99% of the time - you will lose everything.

The universe only understands energy and it moves around piles of it every single day. So if you're constantly thinking about what might go wrong, the universe sits there and says to you:
“Oh, okay, you want more of that stuff - that negativity, that worry, that stress, because that’s what you’re focusing on all the time. That’s a shame because I have all this good stuff I'm storing here for you, but you clearly don't want that and it would probably overload you anyway."

This brings us on to our next part – the Abundance Quiz - so we can really determine what energy you're emitting to the universe! Seeing as though we've been talking about money, lets stick with the same topic for this little exercise.

And as soon as we’re done with this quick quiz we'll go straight into those 2 ‘abundant amplifying’ tips that you can do TODAY to instantly boost every aspect of your life.

OK so first of all, I need you to imagine that 5 minutes ago your phone rang. When you picked up, it was the director of the American lottery and he told you that you just won 5 million dollars. OK you got it?

Lets get started. I need you to answer the next few questions as honestly as you can, to yourself. And most importantly, take note of your emotions.

All right, now that you have 5 million dollars, what's the first thing you're going to do with it?
Are you going to deposit it immediately into your bank and not tell anyone about it? Are you going to hoard it and keep it close and private OR are you going to go and buy that brand new dream car you've been eyeing for the last 10 years?
Do you feel anxious at the thought of ever losing it?

Do you feel worried that if you told your friends or acquaintances about it, that someone might cheat you out of it?

OR do you feel great about spending it, and want help others by giving it to charity or families in need? And if you do give it away, does that feel good? 

Do you do it with a knowing that money will always keep flowing to you and there will always be enough to meet your needs and desires?

Just take a moment to really think about how you would react and what emotions you would be feeling.

Got your answers? How did those questions make you feel? Did you find yourself feeling protective over your money or did you feel free as you thought of all the ways you could spend it?

Now here's the freaky thing...
This small abundance quiz actually determines A LOT about the results you've been getting in your life up to now, because if your instincts told you to protect the money or it gave you even the slightest feelings of anxiety...

It may actually mean you’re not experiencing much success in practically every other area of your life. Now this was just a small test, and it has revealed some important information about your abundance levels towards wealth.

BUT I want you to pay close attention to what I'm about to say. Whatever feelings it brought up, whatever answers you had, it was also used at one point or another, by every single successful person on the planet... from the thriving entrepreneur... to your famous talk show host, Oprah Winfrey… to your gold medallist athlete, Michael Phelps. In fact, this one technique is what Michael attributes much of his success to!

In closing, here’s 2 ‘abundance amplifying tips’ you can do today to raise your abundance levels. These 2 tips are simple, but extremely powerful so I encourage you to put them to immediate use.

The first is taking control of negative thoughts and unhealthy self-chatter.

 You see, we have 65,000 thoughts a day and for most people, 85% of those thoughts are actually negative!!

This affects every part of your life and drains your ability to experience ultimate success.
So to overcome this, you need to take note of your thoughts and consciously look out for any negative ones that flow into your mind.

Then when you recognize a negative thought, immediately counteract with a positive thought, or the opposite of what you’re thinking. So say for example you have a bad meeting at work and you say to yourself ‘ I'm such a failure’ –now this is an extreme example but the way to counteract this would be to say ‘ I'm really great at my job.’

It’s almost magical how powerful this is and how great it makes you feel. And to take it one step further, say the positive statement out a loud or even quietly to yourself. This small tip will have a huge impact on your mindset and abundance levels – Just try it out now!

Now my 2nd tip is so easy, yet soooo underused. It’s the simple act of gratitude. Every day I spend just 5 minutes saying thanks for all the wonderful things I do have in my life. At work, everyone in our office share 1 thing, they’re grateful for every afternoon.

Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is waiting to be revealed in your life. So today, I encourage you to think of 3 things that you’re grateful for in your life. And then practice this every day. It takes just a few minutes but has the power to make a HUGE positive impact on your life.

Now, if you're still with me right now, it's probably because you're tired of struggling without getting the results you deserve. Maybe you're tired of eyeing that new home you want to buy but can’t afford, you want to improve your existing relationships or attract new ones, or maybe you just want to know how you can get huge wads of cash without having to work a 9-5 job.

I've shared these tips today because I know what it's like to struggle, and believe me, this really is a much easier way.

So, there’s really only 1 question left to answer...
Are you truly ready to finally get the things you want out of life and have unlimited happiness, money and good health?

Source: Natalie Ledwell
              Host of: The Inspiration Show