Monday, February 4, 2013

The 7 Skills To Build A Profitable Online Business, From Scratch.
In this report I do NOT intend to simply give you some snazzy insights and ideas to help you build a profitable online business. New ideas aren't enough…
The truth is that building a business requires you to master new skills. Skills that will allow you to thrive no matter the economy, no matter how few resources you think you might have, and even if your friends and family doubt you.
This report is therefore not about sharing more ideas, but implementing ideas that will get you new skills.
The challenge is that getting new skills is usually uncomfortable.
For the most part, upgrading your skills happens when you step wayyy outside of your comfort zone,

Yet, the reward for doing this is reaching new levels of success. Attaining new skills makes the things that used to be difficult for you, easy.
Now, let's define skill.
Skill means the ability to get a specific result with a minimum output of time, energy, or both.
How much energy and time does it take Tiger Woods to place a tiny white ball inside a small cup thats 400 yards away?
It’s actually quite easy and enjoyable for him to do it, because of the skills he has developed.
On average, it takes him 4 strokes.
That's what this report is all about.
No, not golf, but developing skills that will make it enjoyable and effortless to grow a profitable business from scratch.
A business that actually helps your customers… a business that is competition-proof, as well as recession-proof.

Here’s a breakdown of the 7 skills you'll acquire with this report.

Skill 1) Cross the point of no return - How to make achieving your ideal business inevitable. (Turn this statement into a question begining with how to:)

Skill 2) Carve and Conquer. Advanced positioning tactics to choose and dominate your niche. (How to:)

Skill 3) Value Stacking. The secrets to creating high perceived value products.(How to)

Skill 4) Intercepting Customers. How to find your ideal prospects with their wallets out.(How to)

Skill 5) Two Ways To Double Your Profits… With LESS customers.(How to)

Skill 6) Exploit Your Inner-Monkey. Biology-hacks to stop procrastinating and get stuff done.(How to)

Skill 7) Invest In People, Not Things. Where to find superstar mentors to supercharge your progress.
What would you do with those skills? (Where to find...)

Stop right now and think about what your ideal business would look like…. Close your eyes and envision your ideal business in detail.

It's important to begin with the end in mind… You can’t get what you want unless you are crystal clear on what it is.

Now let's turn that vision into reality by mastering the 7 crucial skills you need to build your profitable business from scratch. You can get every every answer online, by down loading "Free information" about those 7 points. 

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